Learning Materials

How To Improve Your Landing Pages Ahead Of 2019

All elements of your digital marketing strategy rely on landing pages that convert; often the primary reason your SEO, PPC or social media efforts are failing is because your landing pages just […]

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Important Stats for LinkedIn 2018

LinkedIn is the most important social media platform for B2B businesses and can be extremely effective for lead generation. For brands looking to reach a professional demographic to sell or pitch to, […]

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Important Twitter Stats for 2018

Important Twitter Stats for 2018 Whilst Twitter hasn’t seen a significant amount of growth over the past few years, their loyal users are very active and it remains to be a popular […]

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Important Facebook Stats for 2018

2018 has been another successful year for Facebook despite recent privacy scandals and data breaches. It is due to the vast number of people using the platform that is has become a […]

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How To Audit Your Website & Improve SEO

If you’re at a wits end with your organic rankings and just can’t seem to make a positive difference to your organic performance, an SEO audit can help identify problems with your […]

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What To Do If Your Google Ads Campaign Isn’t Working

Here at In Front, we always recommend a combined PPC and SEO strategy for maximum reach and ROI. SEO isn’t an overnight process, so whilst your SEO takes its time to deliver […]

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How To Measure SEO Success

Unlike paid advertising or social media marketing, SEO takes time to be effective and in order to obtain the ROI for your campaigns you need to be aware of how to measure […]

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What Does Google Consider Low Quality Content?

If you keep up with SEO lingo, you will likely have heard ‘content is king’ more times than you can count, but it’s true. Content is a key factor that Google takes […]

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How To Use Header Tags For SEO

There are hundreds of ranking factors that will impact your SEO rankings and how Google defines the quality of your pages; when used together these elements form a solid SEO strategy. However, […]

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