Learning Materials

The Ultimate SEO Glossary of SEO Jargon

A Above the fold – The term ‘above the fold’ is the technical term for the percentage of a web page that is visible on your monitor before you scroll. As your […]

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Keyword Match Types and Negative Keyword Match Types

Keywords are crucial to PPC advertising success as they drive the entire PPC machine. Without keywords, your ads will not be triggered and will not appear in front of your desired audience. […]

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How To Improve Your Ecommerce SEO Performance

Whether you have just begun your journey with an ecommerce website or are a fully established business with a loyal customer base, ecommerce SEO will be an important factor for driving potential […]

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Costly PPC Mistakes

Whether you are managing your PPC campaign yourself in-house, or using an external PPC agency, you are likely to have invested a lot of time and money into setting up and managing your […]

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A Guide to the Yoast SEO Plugin

There are a number of different SEO techniques that you can employ within your business’ online strategy, providing great benefits for the performance of your company website. Here is where on-page optimisation […]

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What is HTTPS & What Does It Mean For SEO?

What is HTTPS? HTTPS stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure. HTTPS is the method that serves a site in a secure environment, essentially meaning secure communication between a browser and webserver. By […]

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How Does Redirection Impact SEO?

What is Redirection? Redirection is the process of forwarding one URL to another. Ensuring that you are using the correct type of redirect for your requirements is essential so that you are […]

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Schema Structured Data

Schema structured data are snippets of information shown in search results in addition to the usual meta title and meta description. The additional data can take the form of reviews, site links, […]

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Canonicalization For SEO: Canonical URL’s

What is canonicalization? Canonicalization is the process of defining a dominant version or ‘canonical’ version of a page and redirecting all other URL’s with the same content to a default version of […]

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