Google’s Tips for Internal Linking to Improve Your SEO 

Internal links are often underutilised in the SEO toolbox, but hold significant power in both enhancing site navigation and improving rankings within the organic search results. Google recently shared some valuable internal linking insights that help to illuminate how this simple yet effective practice could be a game changer for your SEO.

In the article below, we will breakdown Google’s key tips on how to use internal linking for SEO, helping you to get the most from your efforts. 


Clarify Site Structure 

The primary function of internal linking is to help the search engines understand the structure of your website. By linking related pages, you can reinforce the semantic relationship between them, helping search engines such as Google to better index your content. It’s vital that you establish a hierarchy on your website by linking main category pages to subcategories and individual articles or product pages.

This structure not only aids Google’s site crawling tools, but also enhances the user experience by making information more accessible to your potential customers. 


Use Descriptive Anchor Text 

The importance of using clear and descriptive anchor text for your internal links cannot be overstated, helping to make your website more accessible to customers and search engines alike. Anchor text is the clickable text part of a hyperlink, and its relevance to the linked page signals to search engines what the page is about; ultimately helping to improve your ranking for those particular keywords.

However, it’s crucial to avoid over-optimisation; excessively repetitive or generic anchor text can be flagged as spammy by search engines. Instead, aim for natural variations in your anchor text to maintain the readability and quality of your content. 


Create Deep Website Links 

One of the most internal linking mistakes is the tendency to link only to top-level pages like the homepage or contact us page. Google advises businesses that are looking to improve online rankings work to link deeper into their website, pointing users towards in-depth content pages that they might not find otherwise.

Deep linking not only increases page visibility, but also overall site engagement, encouraging visitors to explore further. 


Use Links that Are Natural for the Reader 

While it’s important to include internal links, they must be contextually relevant and provide value to the reader. Google discourages the practice of stuffing content with links where they aren’t helpful. Links should feel like a natural part of the content flow and contribute to a better user understanding or additional relevant information, enhancing the overall user experience. 


Regularly Update and Manage Links 

Maintaining a dynamic approach to internal linking is crucial. This includes regularly revisiting old content to update links, removing dead links, and ensuring that the most important pages are adequately linked to across your site. An internal linking strategy is not a set-it-and-forget-it part of SEO; it requires ongoing adjustments and management to align with your evolving content strategy and SEO goals. 


Implementing effective internal linking practices is not merely about boosting SEO; it’s about improving the ease of navigation for your visitors, enhancing their overall experience, and providing them with valuable information that will boost your website engagement.

By following Google’s tips on internal linking, businesses can significantly sharpen their SEO strategies, leading to better site performance and higher rankings in search results.