Content remains to be king as we go into 2019, but you may want to reconsider your current writing style if you want your content to get the attention it deserves.

For your content to be successful in 2019 it needs to be all about the audience and provide them with information and tips that are purely for their benefit, not yours. It’s no surprise that content that is user-focused tends to rank much higher than content written for SEO.

How To Write Great Website Content in 2019

Keep reading to find out our top tips on how you can produce your most shared content in 2019!

Use The Right Keywords To Target The Right People

Unless you have a large and loyal following on social media or a mega email marketing list, if you don’t correctly optimise your content with keywords, it won’t reach the right people – especially organically.

It is important to you invest time in doing proper research into what terms and phrases your target audience are searching for, and how they make sense to be incorporated into your content. You should never sacrifice the quality of your content by stuffing in too many keywords for SEO, your website can actually get penalised and removed for the search results for this spammy technique.

Your keyword research should answer the following questions:

  • Who are your audience?
  • What are they looking for?
  • Why are they looking for it?
  • How are they looking for it?


Readability Is Key

Not only is user-focused content ranked highly but it is also incredibly readable, which looks great to Google and other search engines.

If a user searches for a specific query and decides to click on your link, your job is to ensure everything on the page (content, imagery, layout and more) keeps them on the page and reading! Dwell time, the amount of time the user spends on your page before returning to the SERPs, is a great indicator of content relevance and quality that Google uses to rank the best content for each query.

To increase the dwell time and readability of your content, ensure your content is written simply and with clarity so that it is not confusing and a range of people with different skill sets can understand the information you are portraying.


Focus on In-Depth Content

News in the industry is that Google are “intensifying their focus” on content quality and depth more than ever before in 2019, so instead of focusing on news style articles that tend to be on the shorter side you should invest more resources and time into producing long-form content.

As a general rule, think above 2000+ words with different angles and arguments of the same topic to cover the topic completely without bias.


Imagery Is Your Friend

Research has shown that content which contains imagery gets 94% more views than content with no imagery at all.

Is this really that surprising considering we are wired to automatically notice and respond to images?

However, the type of imagery you use in your content is important. Don’t just use the same old stock photos that everyone in your industry is using due to lack of quality imagery available. There are many websites that offer royalty free imagery, that whilst may not be free, but will add a touch of uniqueness to your content that your competitors lack.

Take the stress out of content development and improve your organic rankings by letting us help you! We provide a content development service – find out more here